A Call to Action: Understanding the Impact of Cutting SNAP Benefits panel discussion was a big success! We hosted 50 people, including two local representatives, and two more who will be running in 2018.
In addition to the panel portion of the event, we invited participants to write postcards to Jason Lewis, Al Franken, and Amy Klobuchar and ask them to oppose any proposed cuts to the SNAP Program. The cuts are currently hosted in the budget resolution and could potentially trickle down to the 2018 Farm Bill (SNAP is included in the Farm Bill). Lawmakers have proposed cuts as large as 25%, and are also talking about shifting some of the responsibility for funding the SNAP program to states.
Thank you to our panelists, Colleen Moriarty, Hunger Solutions, Tikki Brown, Minnesota Department of Human Services, Vayong Moua, BCBS Center for Prevention, Jill Ogdie, and moderator Marcus Schmit, Second Harvest Heartland.
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